Car Boot Wheelchair ramps

How to remove a wheelchair from a car boot using wheelchair ramps.

Depending on the size of your car boot you may stow the wheelchair  straight in or sideways using your wheelchair ramps.

In order to go straight in you may need to collapse your back seat on smaller cars or just drop down one section. Our wheelchair fits sideways allowing a space on one side to put shopping in the boot as well.

Different car boot styles

Some vehicles have long boots which at the same time drop down. If yours drops down into a space then it means that the wheelchair has to go up and down a high lip. This can be 100mm or more making it more difficult.

Our SUV whilst having a high boot has the advantage that the boot is level and hence easier. You will notice in the video that we have lined the boot in cardboard. This has 2 advantages

1. Dirt from the wheels is easy to sweep out once dried. Easy to renew the cardboard and freshen the boot up.

2. We have marked the position on it for the wheelchair ramps inn the car boot on top of the cardboard.

Wheelchair brakes

Position of powere wheelchair brakes

The picture above shows the two electric brakes on the drive motors for the power wheelchair. When moving the wheelchair down the ramp it freewheels and you switch the brakes off. This is done by pushing the red handle forward either by hand or your foot.

In the video you will have seen me unlock the brakes from the stow position in the boot. The brakes had been on so as to stop the wheelchair moving when driving.

Note also the 2 small wheels  just below the electric motor. These are on a extendable shaft and only in use when standing the wheelchair up right when folded. They apart of the support then. These two wheels tend to get in the way on the wheelchair ramp unless you are carefully positioned.

Beeping noise when switching brakes off/on

Switch the electric power off at the joystick position before moving the brake levers. Otherwise you will get a beeping noise and the brakes will not switch on/off.

Positioning the wheelchair for the wheelchair ramps
Note position of the small wheels for when the wheeelchair is stood up folded.
  1. Position the small wheels above the electric motor so the are clear of the wheelchair ramp sides.
  2. Use the red handle to engage the motor brake if you have not already done so.
  3. Switch on the power at the joystick position.
  4. One hand on the centre of the wheelchair by the footrest and the other on the joystick. Drive the wheelchair up the ramps under power.
  5. Either drive  into boot straight and stow … or
  6. Switch off the power and turn off the brakes once inside. Turn the wheelchair 90 degrees into position and  switch back on the brakes again.